Monday , March 10th 2025
    Latest Best deal on The Proper Prep Survival Kits

Fat Rope Stick – Gen 4 – Weatherproof Fire Starting Tinder – 2pk

Product Features:

    Windproof. Waterproof. Insanely reliable! Fat Rope Stick is a portable, packable, clean, efficient, and weather-resistant fire-starting tinder. It can be lit with a variety of common methods from lighters, matches, but is specially designed to work with ferrocerium rods, also known as ferro rods or firesteels. Fat Rope Stick…
Price as on: 2020-01-26 20:00:00

Product Description

Windproof. Waterproof. Insanely reliable! Fat Rope Stick is a portable, packable, clean, efficient, and weather-resistant fire-starting tinder. It can be lit with a variety of common methods from lighters, matches, but is specially designed to work with ferrocerium rods, also known as ferro rods or firesteels. Fat Rope Stick is handmade to achieve superb performance in all weather conditions. The compact design, along with the relatively soft texture, makes Fat Rope Stick easy cut with your favorite knife and simple to process for burning. Fat Rope Stick’s performance surpasses anything currently in your bug-out bag or daypack.

Product Features

  • Fat Rope Stick Weatherproof Fire Tinder is easy to use in all weather conditions and is highly resistant to water, wind, & weather
  • Cut off the desired amount with your knife, rub between palms briskly, fluff, & ignite
  • Lights easily with firesteel, ferro rod, matches or lighter
  • Perfect fire tinder to have in a survival kit, camping kit or daypack
  • Clean to pack and maintains its performance even when opened and partially used